School trips to Fort Teremba: Heritage Classes

We welcome all year round at Fort Teremba Heritage Class students, for the day or over several days with accommodation on site.

Why organize a school trip to Fort Teremba?

The Heritage Class promotes a concrete approach to collective legacies by putting students in a situation where students are placed on one or more historical or archaeological sites.
It can take place on sites near the school (community class) or for several days at a reception site (transplanted class).
Workshops, visits, analyses, surveys, and cultural activities combine throughout the stay to give students and teachers an original experience of discovering heritage.

The objectives of a heritage class

The heritage discovery class is part of a teacher's educational project that is prepared and operated within the framework of general education.
It allows multidisciplinary work to be put into practice during the various phases of preparation and operation of the project (before, during and after). Finally, it promotes the implementation of creative cultural practices and meetings with professionals in the heritage and cultural sector.

The themes

Educational activities revolve around two main themes:

A historical theme that allows students to consolidate their knowledge of the prison, penal colonization and the insurrection of 1878 through visits and work on documents offered during the stay.

A heritage theme that allows students to discover the steps that have led to the preservation and enhancement of the Teremba site since 1984. It takes the form of their participation in the various educational workshops (mud, architecture and heritage, landscape reading, etc.) selected by the team.


For classes in residence over several days:
On the DENC website:
For day classes in Southern Province:or from DERES (DES):

For others, contact Fort Teremba directly:
By phone: +687 44 32 71
By email: click here